Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Broccoli with a Cheddar and Beer Sauce

Who doesn't love the good ol' broccoli and cheese of one's youth? Here, I take that classic comfort dish and make a more adult version with some added depth and flavor. Instead of simply adding some American, muenster, or cheddar on top to melt, I whipped up a cheddar sauce, augmented by beer, and touched up with a bit of chives and lemon as well. The complexity adds a more unique twist to this childhood favorite, giving it new excitement and making it even more fun to enjoy than you remember. It even retains its signature creamy, cheesy goodness!

This dish is fast to make and favored even by picky eaters, so make it in a bind when you need dinner quickly or when you're having guests over and they do not have the same gourmet tastes that you do. I made it on a night filling the former category. I had some leftover fish in the fridge already, so I simply heated it up but made the meal more interesting by adding this dish and some perogies. Healthy, fast, and delicious!

Difficulty: medium-easy
Time: 15 min
Cost: $6.75

Nutrition and recipe below the jump!

Broccoli with a Cheddar and Beer Sauce
broccoli florets, chopped, 5 c
4 oz beer
2 tbsp flour
3/4 c skim milk
3/4 c low-fat shredded cheddar
1 tbsp chives, diced
1/2 tsp lemon rind, grated

Put your broccoli in a microwave-safe dish. Sprinkle about a tablespoon or two of water over the florets and microwave for 4-5 minutes. The broccoli should be crisp-tender when done.

As the broccoli is cooking, you can turn your attention to the cheese sauce. Combine half of the beer (1/4 c) and flour in a bowl. Whisk until combined.

Put the rest of the beer (1/4 c) and the milk in a small pot. Bring to a light simmer and then add the flour-beer mixture to the pot. Whisk to combine and then bring the mixture to a boil. Once it boils, reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for 2-3 minutes. It should thicken a bit.

Add the cheddar, chives, and lemon rind. Whisk the added ingredients in until the cheese melts and everything is evenly combined. Then immediately move from the heat and pour over the cooked broccoli. Enjoy right away.

Servings: 4
Serving size: about 1 cup
Nutrition: calories 160; carbs 14g; fat 7g; protein 10g; sodium 163mg; iron 5mg

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