
My posts are generally organized as meals. Instead of a post focusing on just an entree or soup or side they often include an entire meal you would serve your family. If part of a meal was previously written up the post will mention that but therefore contain less than a meal. Don't feel like you have to make all of the pieces, though. Mix and match or adjust for smaller or bigger meals. That's also directly connected to...

The time needed to cook written at the top of the posts is to cook the entire meal as one person. Make just one piece or have two sets of hands cooking at once and that time will shrink.

Types of Food
I don't eat meat and I cook what I eat so you won't find it here, with the one exception that I will make brisket on Passover and Hanukkah (and not eat it). I do eat fish and seafood, though, and you'll see that early posts are very heavy on fish whereas more recent meals feature quite a lot of vegetarian entrees. That actually has nothing to do with my own evolution - as much as I eat fish I tend to gravitate towards vegetarian most often - but the evolution of my significant other, Matt. When the blog started he was my boyfriend and we were living together in DC. He grew up in a meat and potatoes household and didn't believe a meal without a carnivorous protein was truly a meal, so we compromised on fish in all of our meals. As we hit up farmers' markets, fresh produce flooded our house, and he got into cooking his appetite adjusted. He embraced the delicious, unbelievably fresh veggies and fruits and today you'll find that at least half of the meals we eat are vegetarian.

On the right side you'll find labels by which you can sort the posts. Although I hope they are fairly self-explanatory, here are some notes on them:

  • 30 min meals - This tag is only applied to meals, so if there is a post on just an entree or side or soup, it won't show up with this tag even if it takes less than 30 minutes to prepare. The idea is that these are entire meals you can get on the table in 30 minutes or less (when being prepared by one person)
  • 60 min meals - Same as above but meals that are 31-60 minutes to prepare
  • appetizer - Appetizers! Sometimes they can serve as sides as well
  • bread - Includes quick breads as well as more traditional ones
  • breakfast - Some of these can work for breakfast or as entrees
  • date night/dinner party - These are involved, fancy meals. Expect to spend a while cooking but you'll be sure to impress
  • dessert - Yummy
  • entree - Main courses of all types
  • holiday meals - These are full throttle holiday meals to host for a dozen or more! So far these are just for Thanksgiving, Passover, and Hanukkah but perhaps more will arrive in the future
  • salad - Includes entree salads as well as side salads (so some posts are tagged in multiple ways)
  • sides - Vegetarian and starch
  • slowcooker - These are meals meant to be prepared in a slow cooker. If you don't have one many could be made in a Dutch oven on low on a stove as well
  • soup - Cold and warm
  • vegetarian - This tag is only for entrees, so vegetarian sides, soups, etc are not tagged this way. This is meant for full vegetarian meals

In the past I tried to price out meals so you may see this in older posts. The price is for the full meal. I'm dropping this feature at this point so you won't see this going forward - sorry!

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