Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

It's time for ice cream again! With summer raging on in a heat wave that seems to have been going for at least a decade, there is nothing better than enjoying fresh, homemade ice cream. The effort makes it taste even better! So I dove back in for my second ever attempt at making homemade ice cream, this time gearing up for a low fat mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Heading into this, I also specifically wanted to make this ice cream with fresh mint rather than flavoring. For the first time in 11 years I enjoy a bit of a backyard (a city-sized backyard, of course) and am growing an abundance of herbs. The mint, of course, is utterly thriving and I look for any and all opportunities to include it in meals. Here, it turned out wonderfully. The ice cream has a wonderfully strong but tasty mint flavor and will leave you feeling refreshed even on the hottest of days.

Unfortunately, we gobbled down the ice cream so quickly that I once again forgot to take a picture... I guess I'll just have to make it again!

Difficulty: medium
Time: 4 hrs (1 hr making and 3 hrs chilling)

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
18 oz 2% evaporated milk
¾ c sugar
1.5 c fat free half and half
3 tbsp light corn syrup
1/8 tsp sea salt
¾ c fresh mint leaves, torn
4 egg yolks
½ c mini chocolate chips

Combine the evaporated milk, ½ c sugar, half and half, corn syrup, and salt in a pot. Add the mint and stir. Use a cooking thermometer and carefully heat until 180 degrees. Tiny bubbles should be forming at the edge. Remove the pot from the heat, put the cover on, and let it stand for 10 minutes.

While it's standing combine the remaining 1/4 c sugar and egg yolks in a bowl. Whisk until they are well combined. Then when the evaporated milk mixture is done standing slowly pour it into the yolk mixture, whisking constantly the entire time.

Put the mixture back into the pot and heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it reaches 160 degrees.

Place the pot in an ice-filled bowl. You may have to replace the ice as needed. Stir occasionally and let it cool for about 20 minutes. It should be cool by now.

Carefully skim off the mint leaves or pour through a colander to remove the solids. If a few bits make it through that is fine, but you’ll want to remove at least the large majority of the mint. Discard the mint and retain the milk mixture.

Follow the instructions on your ice cream maker to chill the ice cream. When it's been churned but before you put it into the freezer to set, add 1/2 c chocolate chips. Mix them in gently and then follow the directions to freeze the ice cream in the freezer.


Servings: 12
Serving size: about ½ c
Nutrition: calories 183; carbs 30g; fat 5g; protein 6g; sodium 113mg; iron 1mg

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