I chose to make a shrimp and broccoli pizza and will outline the process below, but remember that the key to cooking is to be creative. Do not be afraid to experiment! Make each quarter different or entire pizzas uniform. Choose vegetables or meats to spice it up. Looking for an unusual pizza? Try smoked salmon, neufchatel cheese, and tomato. Looking for a veggie-heavy pizza? Try roasted eggplant, roast red peppers, caramelized onions, and mozzarella balls. Want something simple? Go with mushrooms or even plain cheese. Just remember that creativity and experimentation are the quintessentials of cooking.
Pizza Dough
I chose to make this pizza with a pre-made dough. There are basically three options when preparing homemade pizza: make the dough from scratch, buy existing dough, or buy an existing crust. There are advantages and disadvantages to all, but I am big fan of the middle option. When you buy the dough it still needs to be rolled out and cooked, meaning it's generally fresher than pre-made crust that is already oooked. The toss-up is that it is obviously a bit more work than the pre-made crust, but still a good deal less work than making dough from scratch. Mainly, you do not have to worry about letting the dough rise, punching it down, etc. This greatly speeds up the prep time. If you choose to follow my choice, pre-made dough is generally available in the refridgeration or freezer sections of supermarkets. Ask if you are not sure!
When rolling out your dough make sure to use plenty of flour. This means on the surface you are rolling it on (I put wax paper on top of my counter to ease clean-up), on the rolling pin, on your hands, and even on the dough itself. Do not go overboard but make sure the stickiness is well in check to allow for rolling and positioning on the pan. You can also sprinkle some flour on top of an oiled pizza pan (or corn meal) to aid in keeping the pizza from sticking. Once the dough is rolled out, place it onto a pizza pan and cook it for 10 minutes at 400. During this time you should make sure all of the toppings are ready to go.
If you are making two pizzas, as I did, and only have one pan, don't worry! Once the first pizza is in the oven (and dressed) then you can roll out the second pizza so it is ready to go. Then, when the first pizza comes out, slide the finished product onto some wax paper or a cooling rack and toss the dough onto the newly empty pan. Repeat as many time as necessary. Remember, you can start eating immediately and do not have to wait for both pizzas to be completed!
Pizza Sauce
I made the sauce "from scratch" as mostly described in my previous post on the shrimp and scallop pasta. If you are truly in a rush you can use a prepared sauce, such as Prego, but keep in mind that its far healthier to make your own. And it really does taste fresher! So if you are with me, let's dive into the sauce.
Start by heating a small amount of olive oil in a pan. Add two or three minced garlic cloves when the oil is warm, stirring to keep the garlic from burning. Add onion and mushroom. I probably put in about 1/2-3/4 cup of each, but use more or less to taste. Saute the onions, mushrooms, and garlic, stirring regularly. Once they have browned then add about 1 cup of diced fresh tomato (as opposed to canned.) My favorite tomatoes are vine tomatoes, believeing them to taste the freshest and sweetest, but feel free to try something else if you prefer. Saute the mixture for another 3-4 minutes afte the tomato has been added.
Now it's time to add some more spice! I use basil, italian seasoning, and oregano. (Keep in mind that we used fresh garlic.) I sprinkle fairly liberally, using about 1.5-2 teaspoons of each. Remember, you can always add more spice later but it's rather more tricky to take it back out.
Once you stir the spices in, add 1 small can of tomato sauce (remember to look for no salt added) and 1 small can of tomato paste. Stir them in well until the paste is blended into the mixture. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Yes, I said honey! It adds a nice final touch to the sauce, I promise. Stir well. Now use a spoon to taste a tiny bit of the sauce. Add seasoning if it needs more, stir well, and you are done!
Shrimp and Broccoli
Again, this recipe dictates shrimp and broccoli, but feel free to edit at well. I encourage extemporaneous cooking! Use what is in your fridge and have fun with it.
If you are making shrimp and broccoli, however, start by heating a small amount (generally 1 teaspoon) of olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Add two cloves of minced garlic. Stir to avoid burning.
If you are using uncooked shrimp, make sure it is peeled and deveined and add it here. It will take longer to cook than the broccoli. Add that in about 5 minutes. However, if you are using cooked shrimp as I prefer, then add the broccoli now.
Continue to stir every couple minutes to avoid burning. Uncooked shrimp will turn pink when it's done. Broccoli will begin to soften and wilt. If you are using cooked shrimp, wait until the broccoli is nearing completion. It should have shrunk, softened, and wilted a decent bit already. Then, add the cooked shrimp. Continue to stir and cook for another 1-2 minutes and remove from heat. You are finished with your toppings!
Final Steps
Once your crust has cooked for 10 minutes, remove it from the oven. Spread sauce over the crust to within 1 inch of the edge all around. Add broccoli and shrimp across the pizza. Sprinkle with cheese. (I used mozzarella with a bit of parmesan on top.) Place the pizza back in the oven and cook for another 10 minutes at 400. Cool, cut, and serve! The crust should be slightly browning at the edges and the cheese well melted when the pizza is done.
If you are making more pizzas continue to circulate them through this process until done.
this shrimp pizza recipe looks delicious, kind of like on http://papasgames.us/ cooking games, Not sure if my skills are enough to bake this but i'll give it a go