Mmmmmmm...... Now I want another one. That's the problem with pictures.
Although the grilled cheese gets a bad rep as kid's food, I stand by the declaration that it is delicious at all ages. I don't know if it's the crisp in the bread, the melti-ness of the cheese, or maybe the nostalgia that springs forth with every bite, but I really and truly love a grilled cheese sandwich. And here, I tell you how to make it reasonably healthy.
When you buy a grilled cheese at a restaurant you can be sure your arteries are blocking up with each bite that you take. There are mounds of butter and oil soaking into that thing. But there is really no reason you cannot duplicate the taste in a far more healthful manner. I'm not saying it's actually particularly healthy, just that it won't cause a heart attack in one sitting.
All you need for this is: two slices of bread, cheese, fake butter, and tomato (optional.) Put about 1 tsp of fake butter into a pan and let it melt over medium to medium-low heat. Once the butter has melted, drop two slices of bread into the pan so they are lying flat next to each other. Place a slice of cheese on each one. The best cheeses to use are American or Velveeta (for a lower fat option buy the LF American Cheese.) Buy them in the sliced variety, individually wrapped, that you used as a kid.
If you are making your grilled cheese with tomato then cut 2-3 slices and place them in the pan as well so they are lying flat next to the bread. The tomato should sizzle when you put it in.
Keep an eye on your grilled cheese, but generally let it sit for about 5-7 minutes, flipping the tomato halfway through. After the 5-7 minutes, move the tomato on top of one of the slices. Continue to let the sandwich cook for another 2-3 minutes, or until the cheese is melted. American cheese will not look melted the way grated cheese will, so poke it lightly with your spatula to judge its softness. Flip one slice of bread on top of the other, with the tomato in the middle, so that you now have a complete sandwich. The bread should be browned. Take it out, cut it in half, and enjoy! Watch out for hot cheese drippings!
Hint: If you are craving a grilled cheese but feel silly making one, then spice it up. In addition to tomato, grilled cheese tastes great with slices of avocado. Or, if you made my sundried tomato spread, then add some of that on as well!
We also love grilled cheese....sometime, try mixing a little oil with less fake butter in the pan instead. Tastes the same, but healthier.