If you've never had lentils before, now is the time to dive right in. Although I'd enjoyed them at restaurants, I'd never made them before this foray. However, they came out absolutely deliciously and my husband and I were both eagerly going back for more. These legumes are also stuffed full of folate, fiber, iron, protein, potassium, and many other vitamins and minerals. They're also fat free with just 230 calories in an entire cooked cup. Who could ask for more?
To complement the curry spices in the lentils I also made some carrots with cumin. Normally carrots only rank in the "so-so" category for me, but these were amazing. Whether you normally make them or not, I encourage you to go for it. Let me know in the comments how it goes!
Time: 1 hr
Difficulty: medium (poaching eggs is slightly tricky!)
Cost: $9.51