Woohoo! I have forayed deeper into Indian food! Today's menu is full-throttle Indian, featuring a Mango Curry with Shrimp over Basmati, samosas, and tamarind sauce. That's right, I was lucky enough to receive a gift of Tamarind seeds just so I could make some fresh Tamarind sauce for use with my samosas.
I must admit that the samosas themselves are not truly authentic. While the filling should taste quite familiar to Indian-food lovers, I used phyllo dough on the outside instead of making my own dough. This allowed me to bake the delicious appetizer and achieve a crispy effect without having to deep-fry fresh dough that is great at absorbing oil.
And a quick note on spice levels... For those of you who have read my posts before, I'm not a big fan of spicy foods. At all. So while my dishes will be very flavorful, they are not going to have a hot kick to them. If mild yet delicious works for you read ahead, but if you like spicy you might want to sneak in some chili powder when no one is looking...
Difficulty: medium (simply due to it being new to me)
Time: 1 hr 30 min
Cost: $33.64